Pay It Forward Philosophy
BullPen Project Stats
What We Do
For those in need, a missed rent payment, a lapse in insurance coverage or a lack of transportation can mean the difference between persistent struggle and a path to success. Boston BullPen Project provides specific support at critical junctures for struggling families and individuals. We are committed to meeting these urgent needs, with the ultimate goal of improving the overall quality of life.
We help where our partner organizations can’t.
When our partner organizations identify a client with an urgent need that falls outside the scope of their mission, they reach out to Boston BullPen Project. We help close that gap in service, providing financial support to cover the cost of basic essentials.
Because we understand the power of philanthropy and how even small gestures can make a big impact, every individual helped by Boston BullPen Project receives a gift card to pay it forward to help others in need, thus creating the ripple of philanthropy.
At-Risk Youth
Medically Fragile (and their families)
Individuals Seeking Citizenship
Victims of Abuse
Individuals Impacted by Food Insecurity
At-Risk Elders
Students in Need
Vital Home Appliances
Utility Payments
Medical Bills
Educational Supplies & Payments
And More!
The Power of Philanthropy and Paying it Forward
Boston BullPen Project provides specific support at critical junctures for struggling families and individuals. We are committed to meeting these urgent needs, with the ultimate goal of improving the overall quality of life. Paying it forward is an essential element of Boston BullPen Project’s mission.
There’s power in giving, and even the smallest of gestures can make a big impact. That’s why every recipient of a Boston BullPen Project donation is also provided a gift card to share with someone else in need, thus empowering the recipient to be part of the circle of giving.
A Pay It Forward story:
“[Recipient] was blown away with the generosity of Boston Bull Pen as well as with our Organization for helping him in this time of need. I talked with him several times this week explaining that he did not need to establish a payment plan with Boston Bull Pen. He was in absolute awe that people could be so helpful with no strings attached…. it was at that moment that I explained…
well, there is one little string…
I explained the philosophy of paying it forward and the concept of the gift card.
[Recipient] took a few days to really think this through and he came to me yesterday and said, ‘I’ve thought of who I’d like to give the card to. I want to give it to the temp resident down the hall that never smiles…ya know the one with his arm in the sling. I hope this will make him smile, even if for a second.’
Since we have been able to assist him with this, we have seen the light come back in his eyes.
[Recipient] is our building “gardener” – he’s planting new flowers, seeds, and nurturing his flourishing garden again.
He’s always helping fellow Veterans – often assisting Gail and I with cleaning a disabled Veteran’s room in between home health visits.
He is active again – riding his bike, going downtown for his paper, etc.
It’s amazing what happens when we can alleviate the stress that is weighing people down.
It brings us joy here to see him smile again.”

Read the Letter from [Recipient]
Watch Us Grow
Year over Year, your donations make an enormous impact.

For media inquiries and all other questions, email
Boston BullPen Project Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2017, and donations are tax-deductible.
EIN: 81-5329905