September, 2020 – Newsletter

Special Thank You to Our Partners and Donors

This month, we’d like to send a special thanks to all of our partner organizations who make it possible for us to do what we do. The BullPen has been fortunate to partner with over thirty incredible organizations in the Boston community, with our most recent partners including Boston Health Care for the Homeless, Boston Youth Wrestling, and the New England Innocence Project

These organizations—and the many others we work directly with every day—make it their mission to create a better, more prosperous community for everyone who resides here in Boston. With their help and the support of our generous donors, we continue to give to those who need urgent assistance. 

This month, the BullPen achieved some truly astounding milestones (at least from our humble viewpoint). So far this year, we’ve been able to give over $80,000 in aid to clients from our various partner organizations. All told, this amounts to over 620 total requests filled and counting, more than double our initial prediction for the year. We are so grateful to be able to help so many Boston families and individuals get back on their feet in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns and economic downturn. 

We’d like to send a sincere “thank you” to everyone who has helped us get this far since the BullPen’s beginnings in 2017. We will continue to do our part and pay it forward to this community we love so much.  “I would like to express my immense gratitude for your investment in my future. Your support in my dream of getting my Master’s is an amazing asset both financially, and feeling supported, knowing that there are other people who want to see me succeed.

I just finished the first of my three summer courses with an A and am another step closer to securing my spot in the BA/MS program. I am looking forward to completing my other two classes and wrapping up work by the end of August–knowing I made the most out of my summer. Although it was challenging and disappointing to not spend time in person with friends, family, or co-workers, ultimately, I was able to make an incredible amount of progress towards my goals and reaffirm to myself that even some of my most far-out dreams are feasible. Despite feeling empowered by my goals I sometimes feel like I am planning and worrying about how to cover the next year of school expenses too much. Knowing that I have this summer’s classes fully paid for without going into more debt was an enormous weight off my shoulders.”

– Victor, The Wily Network

Do you know a company or nonprofit that would like to partner with Boston BullPen Project?